Durante el día de Desarrollo Profesional, los maestros de 3 grado aprendieron sobre la enseñanza del Nivel 3 de Fundamentos. Es un nuevo componente de enseñanza para el distrito. Está diseñado para apoyar a los estudiantes con habilidades fundamentales de lectura y ortografía.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
During Professional Development Day, third grade teachers learned about teaching Fundations Level 3. This is a new instructional component being added across the district for Grade 3 students. It is designed to support students with foundational reading and spelling skills.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
East Norriton Middle School hosted a Water Ice Social on Wednesday to welcome students into the school year. Students were able to enjoy treats, see some familiar faces, meet new friends and pick up their school schedule.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
La escuela intermedia East Norriton organizó un evento social de Water Ice el miércoles para dar la bienvenida a los estudiantes al año escolar. Los estudiantes pudieron disfrutar de golosinas, ver algunas caras conocidas, conocer nuevos amigos y retomar su horario de clases.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
Los maestros de K-2 aprendieron cómo apoyar la comprensión matemática de los estudiantes con modelos concretos y representativos durante el día de Desarrollo Profesional. Esto fue dirigido por uno de los entrenadores de matemáticas de primaria, Eric Handschumacher.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
K-2 teachers learned about supporting students‘ mathematical understanding with concrete and representational models during Professional Development Day. This was led by one of our district’s elementary math coaches, Eric Handschumacher.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
Durante el día de Desarrollo Profesional, los maestros de ELD de 5to a 12 grado aprendieron sobre las características de las nuevas zonas de tiempo geográfico nacional y los recursos curriculares de Lift con la representante de National Geographic, Antionette Gadson.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
During Professional Development Day, ELD teachers for grades 5-12 learned about the features of the new National Geographic Time Zones and Lift curricular resources with National Geographic Representative, Antionette Gadson.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
El miércoles, la escuela intermedia Blockson organizó un evento familiar de regreso a clases Sweet Treat. Los estudiantes y sus familias salieron a celebrar el regreso a la escuela con helado, juegos y un cartel de buenos deseos para los estudiantes.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
On Wednesday, Blockson Middle School hosted a Sweet Treat Back-to-School Family Event. Students and their families came out to celebrate coming back to school with ice cream, games and a poster of well wishes for the students.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
Durante el día de Desarrollo Profesional de hoy, los educadores de Salud y Educación Física de K-12 colaboraron para prepararse para este año escolar. Discutieron temas como la recaudación de fondos, la guía de ritmo de salud y el futuro de la educación física en el distrito.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
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PE 2
During today's Professional Development Day, K-12 Health and PE educators collaborated as a department to prepare for the 2023-2024 school year. They discussed things such as fundraising, the health pacing guide, and what NASD Health and PE could look like in the future.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
PE 1
PE 2
El Equipo de Liderazgo STEAM se reunió en la biblioteca de NAHS esta mañana para crear las Declaraciones de Misión y Visión STEAM de NASD como parte de la planificación estratégica durante el día de Desarrollo Profesional de hoy.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
The STEAM Leadership Team met in NAHS's library this morning to create NASD's STEAM Mission and Vision Statements as part of strategic planning during today's Professional Development Day.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
La capacitación para los educadores de K-4, ELD, y el personal de apoyo al aprendizaje se llevó a cabo hoy durante el día de Desarrollo Profesional. Los participantes exploraron los elementos clave del diseño instruccional de Wit & Wisdom y los componentes de una lección.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
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W&W 2
Training for K-4 General Educators, Learning Support, and ELD teachers took place today during Professional Development Day. Participants identified the key elements of Wit & Wisdom’s instructional design and explored the components of a Wit & Wisdom lesson.
about 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
Thanks to everyone who helped make @NorristownASD District Opening Ceremony a great start to the 2023-24 school year! @drmumin_pde NAHS Jazz Royale NASD Faculty Choir Brianna Bani and Uzziel NAHS Drum Line NASD Board and Cabinet Members #NASDProud #BeTheLeader
about 1 year ago, Christopher Dormer, Superintendent of Schools
Bani and Uzziel
Dr Mumin at Opening Ceremony
.@NASDSuper was proud to join with the entire @NorristownASD leadership team to welcome our new professional staff members today for their first day of induction. Welcome to the NASD team and family!
about 1 year ago, Christopher Dormer, Superintendent of Schools
¡Atención padres y tutores de @NorristownASD! Infinite Campus es nuestro nuevo sistema de información estudiantil este año. Parent Campus le brinda acceso a información importante sobre la escuela y los estudiantes. Instrucciones para registrarse ⤵️
about 1 year ago, Christopher Dormer, Superintendent of Schools
IC Parent - Spanish
Attention @NorristownASD Parents and Guardians! Infinite Campus is our new student information system this year. Parent Campus gives you access to important school and student information. Directions to register ⤵️
about 1 year ago, Christopher Dormer, Superintendent of Schools
IC Parent Registration